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Dreaming of a thick neck can symbolise an upcoming financial gain, while thin neck may signify a potential loss. Meanwhile, washing your neck in the dream can signal that you will be proud of your accomplishments and share it with others.

Dreaming of having an aching neck can be interpreted as a sign of achieving personal success. But if you dream that your neck is broken, it’s likely a warning for you to be wary of upcoming peril.

Dreaming of an aching neck can be interpreted as a sign of achieving personal success. It may suggest that you are striving for something and are close to achieving it. It could be a success in your career, a personal relationship, or any other area of your life. On the other hand, dreaming of a broken neck can symbolise danger or a warning to be careful. It could be a sign that you are heading into a difficult situation and should proceed with caution.

Dreaming of someone sniffing your neck isn’t a good sign. However, if your dream features a hairy neck, it is a sign of happiness coming your way. A red neck in a dream symoolizes respect.

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