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If you’re unfortunate enough to experience an explosion in a dream, it could be a sign that you are about to discover some terrible truths. This could manifest in the form of traumatic memories resurfacing, secrets coming to light, or other forms of unexpected revelations.

If you are unfortunate enough to be injured by an explosion, then the repercussions can be devastating and can lead to a host of losses and defeats. Such occurrences can cause physical injury, mental anguish, and financial loss.

If you dream that someone close to you is affected by an explosion, it could be an indication that your loved one requires your assistance and support. Refusing them would be the wrong action to take in this situation, as they are in need of your aid.

Dreaming about carrying an explosive or causing an explosion is an indication of your subconscious mind expecting a sudden growth and advancement of your social status. Rapid progress and a betterment in your current standing is likely in the near future.

If you have dreams of explosives, it is always important to be cautious and take extra care while planning trips so that you do not put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. Dreaming of explosives can be an indicator of some internal conflict or stress, so it is best to address these issues and practice self-care before embarking on risky trips.

If you have the yearning for a dramatic, life-altering change to occur in your life, dreaming of an explosive can be a sign that such changes are coming. These may be sudden or gradual but will ultimately shape your life in ways you never expected.

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